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[맥주 027] 라 코르네/ La Corne


La Corne (du Bois des Pendus)/ 라 코르네, 뿔 (교수형집행인의 나무)

Belgian Pale Ale

ALC 5.9%

IBU 20

Brasserie D'ebly (벨기에)

Belgian Pale Ale

The Belgian brewing scene is littered with Belgian Pales, which were initially brewed to compete with Pilseners during the WWII era. Traditionally, they differ from other regional Pale Ales by being less bitter, using aged hops for a delicate hop finish, and having sweet to toasty malt overtones. They should be decanted properly, leaving the yeast in the bottle. This will showcase their brilliant color range from pale straw yellow to various amber hues. Most will be crowned with thick, clinging, rocky white heads. Flavors and aromas will vary. Some have natural spice character contributed by yeast and hops, while others are deliberately spiced. There's also a more recent trend to make hoppier Pale Ales to entice the US market and its hopheads.

ABV: 4.5–7.0% | IBU: 20–30 | Glassware: Tulip

벨기에 양조장에는 2차 세계대전 당시 필즈너와 경쟁하기 위해

처음 양조된 벨기에 페일(Belgian Pales)이 흩어져 있습니다.

전통적으로, 그들은 덜 쓴 맛, 섬세한 홉 피니시를 위해 숙성된 홉을 사용하고,

달콤하고 토스트한 맥아 배음이 있다는 점에서 다른 지역의 페일 에일과 다릅니다.

그들은 병에 효모를 남겨두고 적절하게 따라야합니다.

