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[맥주 015] 빅웨이브/ Big Wave


Big Wave/ 빅웨이브

American Blonde Ale

ALC 4.4%

IBU 21

Kona Brewing Co. (United States)

Kona Brewing Hawai'i

하와이빅 아일랜드에있는 카일루아 코나에있는 양조장

36 개 주와 10 개국에 맥주를 유통

Kona Brewing Company는 Cameron Healy와 Spoon Khalsa에 의해 1994년 설립

하와이 빅 아일랜드에 있는 코나 브루잉 컴퍼니의 카일루아-코나 펍은 1998년 11월에 오픈


American Blonde Ale

One of the most approachable styles, a golden or Blonde Ale is an easy-drinking beer that is visually appealing and has no particularly dominating malt or hop characteristics. Rounded and smooth, it is an American classic known for its simplicity. Sometimes referred to as “Golden Ale.” These beers can have honey, spices and fruit added, and may be fermented with lager or ale yeast.

ABV: 4.1–5.1% | IBU: 15–25 | Glassware: Pint Glass (or Becker, Nonic, Tumbler)


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